Ramadan is the Islamic month of Fasting. In 2023, the dates are March 22-April 21. We are inviting our partners to pray with us throughout this month for the Muslim world and for the Muslims in our city.
Prayer is the foundation on which all of our ministry is built. Prayer breaks down walls, moves hearts, and opens doors. It is the Spirit of God who does what we cannot do—He is the one who opens eyes, turns hearts, convicts of sin, and draws the lost to salvation. Please pray with us during this time and consider fasting from something for this period as well.
There are multiple options for praying for Muslims during Ramadan. For those who prefer a print based prayer guide, downloadable PDF prayer guides are available at www.pray30days.org as well as a different prayer guide at 30daysprayer.com. We have found this guide to be very valuable in past years. There is also a 30 day prayer focus available through PrayerCast that includes different prayer videos each day. We have found these to be very moving and engaging for our family. Whatever option you choose, we urge you to invest some time in prayer during this time for Muslims around the world, in our city, and wherever you might be. God is working and moving, and prayer is the very foundation of what God is doing among Muslims.